Dental implants are small titanium posts that stand in for the roots of your teeth. They are usually implanted into the jaw, where the bone grows around them to create steady support for replacement teeth. Widely considered the gold standard of teeth replacement, dental implants look, feel, and function like your natural teeth. They are also more aesthetically pleasing and durable than other teeth replacement options. The problem is, you cannot simply walk into a dental clinic and request implants. According to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry (AAID), lisle dental implants are best suited to patients with the following five characteristics.

Healthy Gums and Good Bone Density

As mentioned, dental implants are implanted into the jawbone below the gum. This means that, at the very least, you need healthy gums and good bone density to support your implants. Healthy gums are important because your provider works close to them during implantation, and they cover the implants. Consequently, you may not be an ideal candidate if you have gum infections like periodontal disease or gingivitis. If you do, your dentist may need to treat these first. You also need sufficient bone density to anchor the implants. If you suffer from bone loss, you may need a bone graft to rebuild your jawbone.

Good Overall Health

While simpler and less risky than open surgery, the implantation of dental implants is a surgical procedure. This means that you need to be in good health to receive the treatment. If you have a mild medical condition, your oral surgeon may be forced to postpone your procedure until it is under control. However, some conditions like heart disease and uncontrolled diabetes may become limiting factors. Your dentist and doctor can work together to help you manage your risk.

Good Oral Health

In addition to healthy gums and a strong jawline, the success of your implantation surgery is dependent on your oral health. Before you get dental implants, you need to optimize your oral health. This includes treating any active infections you may have, like tooth decay. Overall, your teeth, gums, jaws, tongue, and cheeks should be in good health.

Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is crucial both before and after your dental implant procedure. Before the treatment, brushing and flossing your teeth regularly can help avoid infections. After the procedure, you need to keep your teeth clean to protect your implants. A commitment to good oral hygiene will increase the lifespan of your dental implants so they can serve you longer. In fact, your dentist will need your assurance that you will attend regular dental visits.

Minimal Bruxism

Some natural but harmful habits like clenching or grinding your teeth can exert too much pressure on your dental implants. This situation can limit their effectiveness and contribute to a failed result. Consequently, most providers will hold off on fitting you with implants if you have pronounced bruxism. You may need to get this habit in order first.

Discuss Your Suitability with Your Provider

In most cases, many factors that disqualify you from dental implants can be fixed. For instance, you can get a bone graft to address bone loss and restore your suitability for the treatment. This means you should not give up on dental implants, especially if you need them. Contact a provider and discuss your suitability for the treatment. If some factors disqualify you, discuss how they can be corrected.

By Johnson