Acupuncture might seem terrifying, mainly because you do not know what to expect during the treatment. However, according to Dr. Carlos Nunez, the treatment is not as painful as it sounds. Acupuncture entails inserting fine sterile needles in your particular treatment sites to ease the pain. Though healthcare professionals initially used the approach to address pain, your doctor may also use the needle-insertion treatment to enhance your overall wellness. However, acupuncture is not suitable for everyone. For instance, the treatment might be dangerous if you take blood thinners or have blood conditions.
What should you expect from the treatment?
Acupuncture follows meridians (pathways) through which qi or chi energies run. The health practitioner will examine your condition before inserting one or several sterile needles, depending on your pain’s severity and the extent of your treatment area. You are likely to feel a mild tingling sensation with every needle insertion. However, the pain will subside almost immediately after the insertion. In other instances, your acupuncturist might heat or stimulate the fine needle with electricity once inside your skin. The acupuncture sessions your health practitioner might suggest will depend on several factors. For instance, while an acute health concern might need approximately 8 to 12 treatments, a chronic ailment might require several months’ treatment with around two sessions weekly.
However, acupuncture has risks like any other procedure. For instance:
- Unsterilized needles might affect you
- The treatment might be risky, especially if you have a blood condition or take blood thinners.
- You are likely to have soreness, bleeding, and bruising on the injection sites.
- Though rare, your lung might collapse if your healthcare provider pushes the needles deep inside your chest cavity or upper cavity.
Acupuncture might not be a recommendation for pregnant women because the treatment might stimulate labor, leading to premature delivery. Additionally, the electrical pulses necessary in some types of acupuncture may interfere with particular procedures like a pacemaker operation.
Which conditions are likely to benefit from an acupuncture treatment?
Though acupuncture might not be the ultimate treatment option for every health concern, various health conditions are likely to benefit from the process. The illnesses include:
- Anxiety and depression
- Migraines
- Chronic pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Insomnia
- Hypertension
- Respiratory ailments like allergic rhinitis
- Stroke
How safe is the treatment?
Every acupuncturist has his unique style of conducting the process, blending Western and Chinese approaches to the treatment. However, the treatment is safe and effective, especially if an expert acupuncturist is working on your case. The medical expert will inquire about your specific symptoms and lifestyle to evaluate the best form of acupuncture that might best address your health concern. The practitioner might also assess issues like treatment areas and the quality and strength of your pulse rate. Though your initial treatment might take around an hour, subsequent appointments might take you approximately half an hour.
Everyone responds differently to an acupuncture treatment. While some patients might feel a bit tired after the therapy, others might feel energized and ready to bounce back to their everyday activities. However, your healthcare provider will not advise you to attempt the treatment at home. Contact your acupuncturist to inquire if your health condition might benefit from the approach.