Can People Without Diabetes Develop Peripheral Neuropathy? : Joseph Kielur,  D.C.: Chiropractor

Peripheral neuropathy is essentially damage to the nerves that we use in our bodies to sense touch and temperature and control muscles such as those used for walking (NYU). With these two primary senses and the muscles they control affected, it is easy to see why peripheral neuropathy can be such a debilitating condition for those who suffer from its symptoms.

Peripheral neuropathy can have many causes, including illness or injury, which result in damage to nerves. Other conditions, such as diabetes, can also cause it due to high blood sugar levels, which result in nerve damage over time. When an individual is diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy, a Bakersfield peripheral neuropathy specialist can offer many treatment options to help reduce or eliminate pain and other symptoms, such as burning in the hands and feet. This article looks at some of the most common causes of hammertoe.

  • Autoimmune Diseases

While many people experience peripheral neuropathy as a side effect of another condition, autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis can also cause these symptoms. In both conditions, the body’s immune system begins attacking healthy cells, which damages those cells and their function. The nerve damage caused by these conditions is usually limited to the arms and legs, but its symptoms can be seen in many other body parts.

  • Diabetes

One of the most common causes, diabetes, affects the nervous system in several ways. Some people experience peripheral neuropathy due to nerve damage caused by too high blood sugar levels, while others see their condition worsen over time because of diabetic retinopathy, which damages blood vessels in the eyes.

  • Bone Marrow Disorders

Some bone marrow disorders can cause peripheral neuropathy, especially diseases that affect the production of blood cells. Leukemia is one such disorder that affects the body’s ability to produce white blood cells and therefore disrupts its natural immune response, which helps fight infections.

  • Infections

Several infections can attack the nerve roots below the spinal cord. These infections affect around one-third of all people diagnosed with Lyme Disease and can cause both temporary and permanent nerve damage in those affected. These conditions cause neuropathy known as radiculopathy, which affects one specific nerve region.

  • Tumors

In some sporadic cases, tumors can grow along the nerve pathways, leading to a type of neuropathy called peripheral neuritis. There is usually underlying cancer or condition in these cases that cause swelling and inflammation, placing pressure on nearby nerves.

In summary, peripheral neuropathy is damage to sensory and motor nerves, leading to symptoms such as numbness, tingling, and burning, and can be caused by several different conditions. One common cause is diabetes, which can damage blood vessels in the eyes and, over time, may result in nerve damage throughout the body. Other causes include autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis and Lyme disease infections. Finally, tumors that grow along the nerve pathways and bone marrow disorders can also result in this type of neuropathy. Treatment options for peripheral neuropathy usually depend on the cause and may include medications or physical therapy.
