A facelift is one of the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries by people who want to minimize the effects of wrinkles on the face and neck. It allows reducing sagging skin and even the removal of excess fat, promoting a younger and healthier appearance.

This procedure is also known as rhytidectomy and is highly sought after by women over 45 years old. The entire treatment process is carried out in a specialized clinic by a plastic surgeon.

The average price of a facelift cosmetic surgery is around ten thousand reais. However, this value can be higher or lower according to the chosen clinic, the doctor, and even the region of the country. Learn more about this procedure of v shaped Botox (การ ฉีด โบ ท็ อก หน้า เรียว which is the term in Thai) here

Facelift Indications

Facelift is indicated for people who lose muscle tone, sagging, and excess skin. It is also recommended for those who want to eliminate wrinkles, nasolabial creases, deep furrows. Still on the list are any other brands that give the skin an appearance of aging and lack of care.

It is important to emphasize that aging and sagging arise from the natural action of time and age. However, there are cases where external factors can accelerate the process—for example, people with bad eating habits, problems with free radicals, genetics, and solar radiation. Besides, of course, smokers.

Surgery Steps

Cosmetic treatment is relatively simple. But the patient needs to be hospitalized for around three days for recovery and follow-up.

For the procedure, the cosmetic surgeon performs the application of general anesthesia. In some cases, only sedatives are used to lessen the sensation of pain. The entire process takes about 4 hours to complete, and the patient is to be released from the operating room. Because it is a slightly invasive process, patients need to take some aftercare to ensure everything goes as planned. Below, we list some guidelines in this regard. Check out:

In the first days after the surgery, it is very common for the patient to feel pain, and therefore there is a need to take medication to control possible discomfort. One of the most prescribed is Dipyrone;

sleeping on your back and with your head elevated for about seven days is essential so that there is no swelling;

the head and neck must remain bandaged for at least seven days;

three days after surgery, the patient will need to undergo lymphatic drainage sessions;

cosmetics should not be used in the first seven days as the skin can still be very sensitive;

care must be taken not to touch the scars and not cause any complications.
