A healthy smile can truly transform your visual appearance, enhance the positivity of your mindset, as well as improve the health of not only your mouth but your body too. This also helps to boost your confidence and provides a positive outlook towards life.  

Murray Hill cosmetic dentistry helps you achieve the radiant and confident smile that you desire, through dental procedures like aesthetic restorations, orthodontic appliances, and teeth whitening systems.

Exploring cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a rapidly evolving branch of dentistry that focuses on improving your smile and facial appearance. Popularly known as smile enhancement, this field aims to provide oral care that helps improve the appearance of your teeth.

Although cosmetic dentistry procedures are generally elective, some treatments become essential to provide restorative benefits.

Benefits of cosmetic dentistry

The cosmetic dentistry procedures provide the following benefits:

  • Straight and aligned teeth minimize plaque and bacterial accumulation, thus reducing the risk of periodontal diseases
  • Brighter and whiter teeth by removing stains and discoloration
  • Smile rejuvenation by replacing missing teeth
  • Restoration of chipped or cracked teeth
  • Increased confidence

Procedures involved in cosmetic dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry offers a wide variety of procedures, such as:

Teeth whitening

Cosmetic dentists provide at-home or in-office teeth whitening that gives eight shades brighter teeth. The results look natural lasting for several months

Dental implants

Dental implants help replace missing teeth by providing a tooth root-like replacement (post). These are mostly made up of titanium that provides a base for crowns, bridges, or implant-supported dentures.


Veneers are thin transparent shells of porcelain bonded to your anterior teeth. The camouflage has minor imperfections like chips, cracks, or gaps (diastema) between your teeth. 

Inlays and onlays

An inlay is a restoration of a decayed tooth where normal fillings are not possible. An onlay is similar to an inlay, but it is much larger covering the cusps. 

Ceramic dental crowns

These are aesthetic, metal-free crowns that restore a severely damaged or decayed tooth to its original size, shape and form. Dental crowns are also used to replace your lost teeth. 


Invisalign are clear removable oral appliances that correct alignment problems like crooked or crowded teeth.


Cosmetic dentistry is gaining momentum owing to its ability to provide a revitalized smile. This helps boost your self-confidence and social interaction. A healthy mouth paves the way for a healthy mind, body, and soul. 

Your dentist can design a treatment plan for you according to your specific cosmetic goals that works best for your budget and lifestyle. 

By Johnson