Do you notice a brown spot with dark specks on your skin? Worse, you have a lesion that keeps itching? If you answer yes to those questions, you could have skin cancer. Notably, this common skin condition occurs when the skin cells multiply unusually. Excessive sun exposure is the major trigger of this condition. The good news is that you can minimize the risk of skin cancer by limiting your exposure to harmful ultraviolet rays. If you have skin cancer already, all is not lost since plantation fl skin cancer surgery offers an effective procedure to treat this condition. Here are tips to prepare for the skin cancer surgery appointment.

Research about the Procedure

It would be strange to undergo this surgery without knowing what it involves. Therefore, it is necessary to learn more about this procedure. You can make inquiries from your surgeon before the appointment.

For example, you can ask about the anesthetic options used in the procedure. After getting answers to such questions, you will ease your anxiety, especially if you have never sought this procedure before.

Quit Smoking

While skin cancer surgery is safe, you can still be at risk of infections like any surgery. Smoking is one of the factors that can predispose you to complications when it comes to wound healing. The nicotine chemicals narrow the blood vessels reducing the blood supply to the operated skin area.

The low blood supply means your skin will not get adequate nourishment, thus retarding the healing process. To minimize this risk, you should stop smoking for at least fourteen days before surgery.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Although the surgeon recommends you to come with an empty stomach in many surgeries, skin cancer surgery is an exception. One unique thing about this procedure is that the surgeon will administer local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia reducing the chances of aspiration pneumonia.

Therefore, you can take your meals confidently since it is unlikely for the stomach content to find its way to the respiratory system during this surgery. Take meals rich in vitamins to boost wound healing.

Discuss Your Medications

Certain medications can interfere with the effectiveness of skin cancer surgery. For example, blood-thinning medications such as aspirin can expose you to excessive bleeding during the procedure. Therefore, if you take any medication, you should reveal them to your surgeon before your appointment.

After knowing that you take the medication with possible side effects during the surgery, the surgeon will recommend you skip the intake of those medications. They will also offer you the right prescriptions for other treatments that you can use to suppress your underlying condition.

Get the Quality Sleep

You could wonder how sleep is linked to skin surgery, but here is how. Notably, the body’s systems, including the immune system, are optimal through quality sleep. Also, adequate sleep will help you reduce the anxiety that you could have concerning the procedure.

Therefore, you should target at least eight to nine hours of sleep the night before and after your appointment.

Skin cancer is one of the leading skin conditions. This condition interferes with the skin texture and causes discomfort on the victim’s skin. Fortunately, through skin cancer surgery, you can alleviate the cancerous growth from your skin and continue living fully. Like any other treatment procedure, preparing before this skin surgery is good for a better experience. For example, you should research and know what to expect during the procedure. Discussing with your surgeon about the medications you take will help avoid the drugs that could hinder the effectiveness of the skin cancer surgery.
