Dental accidents and diseases can severely damage your teeth, resulting in reduced oral functionality, bad appearance, pain, and discomfort. Moreover, these issues can even lead to other serious health issues and thus require proper preventive and restorative care. 

Unfortunately, these problems are highly prevalent in several Minnesota residents, which makes restorative dentistry a boon for these individuals. All you need to do is look for a highly professional and experienced dentist in St. Cloud and Sauk Rapids and book an appointment for your condition.

Benefits of restorative dentistry and who’s is it meant for

Restorative dentistry can address several dental issues and help individuals with the restoration of functionality and appearance of their teeth. Restorative dentistry is highly effective in the following scenarios.

  • A broken, cracked, or chipped tooth can impact your chewing, speaking, and bite abilities.
  • A missing or knocked out tooth causing pain, discomfort, and other dental issues.
  • Decayed teeth and cavity that could cause pain swelling, and potentially lead to infections.
  • Gum diseases can lead to tooth damage and require complete treatment before getting a dental implant, bridge, or denture.
  • Some medications can cause conditions like dry mouth, which can cause cavities and dental decay.

Exploring the benefits offered by restorative dentistry

Regardless of what causes the damage, restorative dentistry can offer impressive benefits to those looking for restoration of their dental health. Following are some of them.

  • Restorative dentistry works wonders when it comes to preserving your natural tooth with treatments like root canals, dental fillings, crowns, etc.
  • It can restore your oral health by controlling and eliminating tooth decay while also preventing further damage to existing teeth.
  • Restorative dentistry can enhance your smile and overall appearance by fixing dental problems like cracked, chipped, crooked, stained, and unevenly spaced teeth.
  • Restorative dentistry can also help you with misaligned teeth and the pain, discomfort, and stiffness caused due to them.
  • You can regain your chewing, biting, and speech capabilities with the help of restorative dentistry.
  • Restorative dentistry can also help you ease dental pain and reduce the risks of future dental issues.
  • Moreover, you can expect long-lasting results that can last for 10 years or even more.

Common restorative dentistry procedures

While restorative dentistry addresses several dental problems and imperfections, the following are some of the most common procedures.

  • Amalgam Fillings: Amalgam filling is a dental filling that dentists use to fill the cavities in teeth. It consists of about 50% mercury and about 50% other metals like silver, copper, tin, and zinc. Amalgam fillings appear silver and thus are also known as ‘silver fillings.’
  • Composite Fillings: Composite filling, also known as plastic, white, or resin filling, makes an excellent choice for those who want a natural-looking filling for repairing damages like cracks or cavities. It consists of materials like plastic resin and powdered glass.
  • Crowns (Caps): A dental crown or cap is a tooth-shaped cap that dentists use for the restoration of a decayed, worn-down, chipped, broken, or cracked tooth. Apart from this, dentists also use crows as anchors for dental bridges and root-canal-treated teeth. Made from materials like metal, porcelains, and metal-fused-to-porcelain, dental crowns can last as long as 15 years.
  • Dental Implants: Dental implants are surgically placed in the jawbone of the patient to act as root for the missing teeth. Dental implants are usually made from titanium, which fuses with your bone and acts as a solid base for the artificial tooth.
  • Dentures: A denture, whether full, partial, or implant-supported, is a frame or removable plate that holds one or several artificial teeth that replace the missing teeth and surrounding tissues.
  • Fixed Bridges: A fixed dental bridge is a row of artificial teeth that fills the gap caused by two or more missing teeth. It restores the functionality and appearance of natural teeth. 

Final thoughts

Restorative dentistry can work wonders for those facing difficulties due to missing, broken, knocked out, chipped, or decayed teeth. You can regain fully functional teeth and once again enjoy activities like chewing, biting, speaking, and smiling with restorative dentistry. However, you must select a highly experienced dentist for accurate and long-lasting restorative dentistry solutions.

By Johnson