Chronic venous insufficiency is a common condition to many people in the United States. It involves failure of the legs’ valves, causing pooling of blood. The pooling of blood results in swollen legs. The condition requires immediate treatment.

Fortunately, you can get Kissimmee chronic venous insufficiency treatment at Vascular Vein Centers. Chronic venous insufficiency will provide you with immediate treatment to end the condition. Here is what you need to know about chronic venous insufficiency symptoms and risk factors.

Symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency

  • Tiredness in the legs- You may experience a lot of aching in the legs.
  • Swelling of the legs- The lower legs will swell after standing for long periods.
  • Itching legs- Due to chronic venous insufficiency, the legs will tend to itch, especially around the swollen parts.
  • Itching of the skin around the legs.
  • Varicose veins may appear on the swollen parts.

Risk Factors for Chronic Venous Insufficiency

  • Gender- Being female is a factor that increases your chances of getting chronic venous insufficiency. Many of the reported cases of chronic venous insufficiency occur in women. Get medical treatment early if you are a woman and you experience some of the symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Age- The older you are, the higher the risk of getting chronic venous insufficiency. The chances of getting the condition are higher if you are over fifty. The older you get, the weaker the valves of the veins in the legs become. The blood, therefore, stagnates around the legs due to the weak valves.
  • Excessive smoking- Smoking poses a considerable risk to the health of the veins. Excessive smokers may have weaker vein walls, putting them at a higher risk of getting chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Genetics- Family history may play a massive role in your ability to be affected by chronic venous insufficiency. Your family members may have genetics that put them at a higher risk of being affected by the condition. You will most likely get chronic venous insufficiency if it is common in your family.
  • Sitting or standing for extensive periods- Many peoples’ professions or daily activities revolve around standing or sitting for long hours. Such people are at a higher risk of getting chronic venous insufficiency.
  • Pregnancy- Pregnant women are mostly affected by chronic venous insufficiency. Pregnancy is a risk factor that may cause you to get the condition.
  • Obesity- Obesity is associated with having excess body weight. The excess body weight applies too much pressure on the vascular system. The veins may fail to pump the blood from the legs, making the blood pool. Obesity increases the risk of getting chronic venous insufficiency. Maintaining a healthy weight will reduce the risk of getting the condition.

Visit a Chronic Venous Insufficiency Specialist

Chronic venous insufficiency makes your life difficult. It destroys the appearance of your legs and causes you a lot of pain. Manage the condition by visiting a specialist to treat the condition. Schedule an appointment with the specialist at Vascular Vein Centers, Orlando for the best treatment. 
