Women get their menstrual cycle every month. During menstruation, you can experience normal discomforts such as cramps and mood swings. But some ladies experience much worse pain, warranting them to see a doctor. One of the issues associated with the menstruation cycle is abnormal bleeding. Leela K Patel M.D. is a family doctor who diagnoses the issues that interfere with normal bleeding. Therefore in this article, you will learn how a doctor experienced in women’s reproductive health can help treat abnormal bleeding.

How Do You Know You Have Abnormal Bleeding?

Bleeding is how the body responds when a woman does not conceive. In normal circumstances, you should experience your monthly menstruation in three to five days. If your bleeding takes more than that, it is an alarm that you need to see a specialist. Doctors work to ensure that your menstruation does not interfere with your quality of life. The following are symptoms that you have abnormal bleeding;

  • Your menses come intermittently where one cycle differs in length from the subsequent and previous cycles.
  • You often find some blood spots even after you are sure you finished menstruation.
  • Cramping does not respond to painkillers and keeps you from undertaking your daily activities.
  • If you experience blood during intercourse.
  • Observing big clots when you are menstruating.
  • Too much bleeding necessitates you to change your pads or menstrual cups within a short time.

Major Causes of Abnormal Bleeding

Abnormal bleeding causes your body to strain because it loses lots of blood. Therefore you should seek the services of a specialist so that you do not develop conditions such as hypovolemic shock. The following are the possible causes of abnormal bleeding;

  • You can experience abnormal bleeding because you had conceived, and implantation has not occurred.
  • Ectopic pregnancy is a hazardous condition that causes you to bleed when the growing embryo causes the tubes to rupture.
  • Issues with family planning methods such as intrauterine devices can cause you to experience too much bleeding as the body tries to adjust.
  • Other conditions such as endometriosis and fibroids can also contribute to excessive bleeding.

Why You Need Urgent Care

Your body organs function because you have blood that transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells. When you lose excessive blood, the cells will not get adequate oxygen and nutrients for proper functioning. If you do not see a doctor immediately after noticing abnormal bleeding, your body will enter hypovolemic shock. The condition makes you feel tired, dizzy, and weak. Your blood pressure drops, your heartbeat increases, and you might experience confusion. Hypovolemic shock can cost your life if you do not get to a health facility immediately.

At Patel and Patel M.D. INC. the doctor diagnoses if you have abnormal bleeding by conducting tests using the latest imaging tools. After establishing the cause, the doctor customizes your treatment plan to suit your medical condition and needs. For instance, you can get hormone treatments and surgery to reduce the bleeding. Therefore, if you are seeking emergency care for abnormal bleeding, call their offices today.
