Cannabidiol, commonly known as CBD oil, has recently experienced a surge in its demand. With its advantages and benefits, more people have started to use it. The spectrum of products that contain CBD, from CBD capsules to CBD tablets UK, gives users numerous options to choose from on how they would put CBD into their system.

Unfortunately, there has been a lot of misinformation being spread about CBD oil. This has led to confusion for some people regarding CBD. First of all, people believe that CBD gets you high and that it is similar to illegal drugs. This misconception stems from the confusion between CBD and THC.

Most would assume that you can become addicted to CBD because of its association with cannabis. However, CBD is not the same as recreational cannabis, even though it comes from the same plant. Another common misbelief is that CBD oil only comes from one variation of the cannabis plant, but CBD can be seen in both industrial hemp and cannabis.

Next, people think that CBD is the only useful cannabinoid, but cannabis is a complex plant bearing a lot of minerals that can be just as important as CBD. Lastly, CBD users think that the larger the dose, the better. Not only is this statement wrong, doing this can lead to a lot of unwanted side effects. It is best to slowly test how many doses will provide the best results for you.

For more details, check out this infographic by Love CBD.
