A spinal tumor is an enormous growth within your spine.  The tumor is caused by the excessive and uncontrollable growth of cells. Spinal tumors are prevalent among people between the age of seventy-five and eighty-five. The condition, however, can attack Individuals of all ages. The occurrence of spinal tumors is very detrimental to the health of individuals.

Neurosurgery is very crucial in eliminating spine tumors. Visit Jeff Pain, MD, to undergo neurosurgery in Edison. The neurosurgeons at the facility offer screening to identify the presence of spinal tumors in the early stages. The following are the types, diagnoses, and treatment of spinal tumors.

Types of Spinal Tumors

  •         Primary tumors- The tumors originate from the spine.
  •         Metastatic spinal tumor or secondary spinal tumors- Metastatic spinal tumors are tumors that spread from other body organs to the spine.

Symptoms of Spinal Tumors

  •         Intensive back pain- Spine tumors are usually associated with very sharp back pains. The pain can occur in the middle of the back or at the lower back. If you experience intense back pains, you should visit a specialist to check out the condition.
  •         Numbness and tingling in the arms and legs- The tumor makes the nerves around the spine, leading to the numbness of some body parts.
  •         Poor bladder function.
  •         Difficulty in walking.

 Diagnosis for Spinal Tumors

  •         Magnetic resonance imaging- It is commonly known as an MRI scan. It is a scan that optimizes strong magnetic fields and radio waves to create images. A neurosurgeon will perform an MRI scan to determine the presence of a spinal tumor at your back. The MRI scan can detect growth that occurs in your spine.
  •         X-ray-The neurosurgeon will perform an x-ray to visualize the vertebrae and other joints. The neurosurgeon may use the x-ray to determine the presence of a spine tumor.
  •         CT scan- CT scans are Computerized tomography scans- they implement the use of computers and rotating x-ray machines to produce images. The CT’s images are detailed and display tissues such as tumors. The neurosurgeon may pass you through a CT scan to determine the presence of a spinal tumor.

Treatment of Spinal Tumors

  •         Surgery- A tumor resistant to non-surgical methods requires a neurosurgeon to remove it using surgery. Primary tumors have to be removed through surgical methods. The neurosurgeon determines the location of the tumor first before performing the surgery.
  •         No surgical methods- Surgery is not always necessary to remove the tumor. Non-surgical methods are appropriate for patients that have secondary spinal tumors. Some of the non-surgical procedures include radiation therapy and chemotherapy. The specialist will monitor the progress of the non-surgical treatment using the MRI scan. If the procedures are not effective, they may advise you to opt for surgery.

Visit a Neurosurgeon Today

Determine your health condition by booking an appointment with a neurosurgeon. Neurosurgeons are the best professionals to offer you treatment for spinal tumors. Get diagnosis if you experience any signs of the spinal tumor before the condition is beyond treatment. The neurosurgeon will give you the proper care to deserve to treat the condition.
