During your first visit to a pain management specialist, they may ask you some questions about your pain symptoms. They may also examine your medical records, medications, and previous diagnostic procedures like X-ray or MRI. It is a good idea to bring any coursework previously done. Your New York Ketaesthetic pain management doctor will perform a complete physical checkup. It is also beneficial to keep a pain journal or, at the very least, be conscious of your pain patterns.

What is pain management?

Pain management refers to medications and therapies to alleviate pain caused by surgery, injury, or sickness. Alteration in your physical and emotional health, such as sadness and sleep issues, can be caused by pain. Pain management may assist you in resting, healing, and resuming your normal activities. It also improves your mood and relationships while increasing your appetite, sleep, and stamina.

Types of pain handled by a pain management practitioner

A pain management specialist can help with three different types of pain. Pain from a direct tissue injury like arthritis is the first. The second form of pain is produced by nerve damage or a disorder of the neurological system, including a stroke. For instance, back pain is caused by both tissue and nerve damage.

  1. 1. Disorders that result in discomfort as a result of tissue damage
  • Osteoarthritis is an arthritic condition affecting the joints (hips, knee)
  • Rheumatoid is a type of arthritis that affects small joints of the body.
  1. 2. Painful diseases of the nerves or nervous system
  • A stoke (post-stroke pain)
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease that affects people
  • Injury to the spinal cord
  1. 3. Neuropathic pain (nerve pain due to shingles, diabetes)
  • Pain syndromes with a mix of symptoms
  • Neck ache
  • Cancer and back discomfort

Begin keeping a pain journal.

A pain diary might assist you in keeping track of the amount of pain you are experiencing on any given day. It also makes it much easy to communicate with your specialist. You can track how often you have pain and how it impacts your regular life, such as sleep or hobbies. The notebook will assist you in noticing things such as meditation or prayer, basic stretches, and a message that may assist you in dealing with your suffering. It will also help you determine what is causing your pain to aggravate, such as diet, insomnia, or stress. In the pain notebook, you can rate your pain on a scale of 0 to 10. To assess pain, most doctors use this widely used pain rating scale.

  •  0 means you are free from pain.
  • 1-4 mean you have a persistent ache
  • 5-7 means you are experiencing moderate discomfort interfering with your daily activities: job, hobbies, etc.
  • 8-10 means you are in excruciating pain that prevents you from going about your everyday routine.

A journal can help you watch your mood and whether you are sad, anxious, or having trouble sleeping. These states may be triggered by pain, and your doctor may be able to help you with coping strategies or drugs. A pain journal can help you gain complete control over your agony while empowering you in ways you never imagined.

Learn more about your pain condition and how it may be treated. Call Ketaesthetic or schedule an appointment online today.
