Tuberculosis screening and their diagnosis program in hospitals for employees by an organization have a special place of importance in the efficient running of a company. Many countries require companies to state their employee’s reports of complete medical evaluation. This procedure of medical evaluation is expected to be done before the action of officially appointing the particular individual to work and necessarily includes tuberculosis screening. 

Many health organizations provide the facility of onsite TB testing that would provide health reports of presence or absence of disease symptoms in patients very fast, unlike general hospitals that require a sufficient period to provide reports of any symptoms of the disease. 

Kinds of Different ways of TB Screening Test:

There are many methods of conducting the screening test for the detection of tuberculosis. Some of the test methods that are approved and tested to detect M. tuberculosis infection include:

  • Tuberculin skin test (TST) and
  • Test of whole-blood interferon-gamma release arrays (IGRAs) approved by the food and drug administration.

IGRAs approved by medical researchers and organizations include gold, QuantiFERON- TB 2005, QuantiFERON- TB Gold in- Tube 2007 and T- Spot TB 2008. In prominent cities of New York, NYSDOH which is responsible for regulating and amending approved methods of screening for diagnostic centers and hospitals will soon allow the use of the above-mentioned test methods as an alternative to the tuberculin skin test.

The corporate offices and work settings can already adopt these methods and put them into use effectively as screening protocols during their medical evaluation at the time of appointment. In fact test results from issuing of blood from the concerned individual of TB screening which requires guidance and care.

Onsite TB Screening Test for Employees:

Every employee should be treated with an approved method of screening tests before their procedure of official appointment. One of the onsite and approved method TB screening is the Tuberculin skin test (TST) which is used as a method of detection of any tuberculosis infection, where they employ the process of the Mantoux method along with 5 tuberculin units of purified protein derivative. 

This test is generally performed to find out if an individual has somehow developed an immune response to the bacterium that is responsible for tuberculosis. Drug Screening Test services are cost-efficient and one can rely on its results.
